Our figures

Temos o maior comboio fluvial do
Brasil, composto por 35 barcaças!

Com capacidade para transportar até 70 mil toneladas por
viagem e com consumo de combustível até 10% menor em
comparação ao modelo de 25 barcaças, esse comboio
reduz proporcionalmente as emissões de CO₂.

2020 indicators

HBSA generates much less greenhouse gas emissions!
See the annual emission comparison for each transportation mode:


4 grams of CO2 equivalent per net ton kilometer (NTK)


14 grams of CO2 equivalent per net ton kilometer (NTK)


12 grams of CO2 equivalent per net ton kilometer (NTK)

Prevented carbon per month - HBSA

10.171,31 tCO 2 e

reduzidos do Escopo 1.

78,37 tCO 2 e

reduzidos em emissões do Escopo 2.


dos resíduos gerados foram enviados para tratamento e destinação sustentável.

Fonte: 2020 HBSA GHG Inventory.

We generate more than 1.400 direct jobs

we have another 2,000 outsourced employees

Investimento Social

Quase R$ 3 milhões em 2023

em investimento social, beneficiando mais de 15 mil pessoas nas comunidades de Itaituba e Barcarena (PA), Santos (SP) e Assunção (Paraguai).

Our commitments

Hidrovias do Brasil created several goals for caring for the environment and social development for the coming years. See our 2022 goals below. We will be announcing our 2030 goals soon!

Climate change

Support decarbonization of the Brazilian logistics system by offering innovative and reliable waterway and maritime logistics solutions and by bringing our GHG emissions to zero.

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Ethics and Transparency

Continuing to tirelessly and uncompromisingly foster ethical and transparent behavior in our relationship with all our stakeholders

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Value Chain

Influencing all clients in adopting sustainable environmental practices and adopting internal ESG criteria for supplier selection, qualification and development

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Environmental Impact

Supporting the regeneration of the ecosystems in which we operate and efficiently manage our environmental risks and impacts.

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Local & Human Development

Genuinely contributing to the development of neighboring communities with social transformation and shared value initiatives

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Employee Health, Safety & Development

Fostering a safe environment and a diverse, inclusive, and continuous development culture.

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What we are already doing

Integrated Report 2023

We present our second Integrated Report of Hidrovias do Brasil, referring to 2023, raising the Company's level of transparency and governance. The document provides data that reinforces the sustainable journey, with information about our progress, challenges and achievements in the last year, with our environmental, social and economic efforts.

Learn more

We innovate to reduce emissions

We are building the world's first two hybrid pushers. By using electricity as a source for navigation, we managed to reduce up to 2,168 tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) per year, which is equal to the consumption of 472 cars.

find out more

Closeness with communities

For us, engaging with the communities surrounding our operations is one of our main sustainability goals. Through dialogue, impact management and social investment initiatives, we have built a journey based on respect and partnership. The focus is on strengthening the company's relationship with its stakeholders. The relationship also allows for co-creating social transformation projects, always built on the basis of the communities’ demands.

Support for local development

In 2022, we are investing around 5 million reais (BRL) in initiatives that are expected to benefit more than 100,000 people through 12 new projects that will be implemented in Paraguay, Uruguay, and in Itaituba and Barcarena in Pará State and in Santos, São Paulo State. Our strategic social action takes place through three pillars; Education, Employment, and Income Generation & Local Development. We expect to expand the number of initiatives throughout the year. Stay tuned for our updates.

find out more about some of the initiatives

Transparency in relationships

We always act in a transparent manner in our relations with all our audiences. For this, we have codes and policies that ensure that we act ethically and in accordance with the best international practices. We are TRACE certified, which means that we have appropriate anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices in place.

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Our reports

See our sustainability reports here

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